
ZLATA Goddess of flexibility

The Universe of the most flexible Girls in the World. Produced by Zlata

Contortion Stories


Are you a creative writer? Then send me your contortion story. It could be:
- Made up
- Real experiences
- Fantasy
- Unreal or abnormal
- Erotic
- Fetish
IMPORTANT! The story must have a flexibility and contortion theme. Your story can be written in German, English or French. It should contain more than 1000 words. Each new story will be rewarded with a free (month’s) membership to Zlata.de
Send your story to
[email protected]

The Circus

One morning, while walking along the beach and one hour after I sat on the rocks and the waves retreated with thinking about what had become of my life, dreams that had both a professional and sentimental, while reviewing my life look at my side and watch a beautiful blonde girl, thin practicing stretching exercises, I was impressed with all the moves he could make with his slender body, this came to my mind one of my dreams to meet personally with a shrinking it to have a very flexible body, that day I stay alone at her and impressed by what his body could do, at night I thought I should talk and try to have a friendship with her, so I thought I would go again beach, to see if he found. I walked the beach a couple of days and was not, then one day when I came home I noticed that a few blocks had installed a circus tent, going down the street I saw with surprise that the beautiful girl he had seen on the beach came driving a flashy car accompanied by an elderly man next to her. Soon I lost sight of among the trailers, then I thought to ask for it at the box office where I said they could not contact her, so I decided to buy a ticket for the function that night, and join the circus and see if I could find. Soon it was show time, I entered and sat in the gallery, trying to have the greatest vision of all under the tent, the function began and appeared several artists, after the break started the second half. The principal function presented to the next artist and named Julia ... appeared a tall, thin gold coating on a pedestal, the lights and a reflector positioned spare figure, very gently withdrew the auxiliary layer and showed her, the blonde girl who had been thin on the beach, was dressed in a beautiful gold bikini that matched the delicate hair, appreciating such beauty was mesmerized, suddenly the girl bend your back backwards halving your body and taking his legs with his hands, which attracted up to spend his head between his legs, he looked awesome, then dropped his chest on the platform and stretched his legs so that her buttocks touched his head, took that position his feet and walked to his face opened his mouth and chewed with a beautiful smile sensuously his heels and his toes, my heart pounded like you never had, then drew back his legs being folded into three, as if rolled itself. I've always dreamed of caressing the body of a girl in these positions, feel soft and stretched muscles, stroking her waist split in two .... Then after the show, I went to my house .... That night I could not sleep thinking about Julia, I thought just sitting next to him watching as she developed her exercises and helping to achieve more extreme positions .... After that night I went every evening to the beach, on the third day my heart beat very fast again, it was Julia, was back doing exercises on the beach and was very insecure alone ... I decided to approach and strike up a conversation, I asked him where was u .. told me to Santiago after a while I asked him for conducting such exercise, and he said something at that time it was obvious to me ... that worked in the circus that was next to the museum and performing an act of contortion, asked me to attend see the show without saying that I had seen a few days ago, I answered yes, that afternoon between the guest of honor at preferential audience when he came on stage, looked at me and smiled, turn me winked sensually I saw her doing her very closely ... especially this beautiful act which gave sensuous bite at his feet .... On many occasions during his act our eyes met, he retired after the end of the stage, everything was wonderful, but even when soon as she continued to function, Julia sat beside me and took my arm, saying nothing ended up seeing the following acts after the end of the show, asked me if I liked his act, said he had been amazed and was very impressive as he could bend his body ... That day we ended up chatting about their skills in a cafe, every minute more I was fascinated by its plasticity, also told me that she was the daughter of circus owner and his father was not very good health, so that he should retire early to serve you in your trailer, that afternoon we were to put them together the next day at the beach but did not, I was very disappointed when I got home I went through the outskirts of the circus was a sign that said no bereavement would function, then I figured out what had happened, Julia's father had died, go to say hello and give my respects, she was very sad and told me he had been very lonely and would have to take over the administration the business. The next week began again the role, Julia struggled still very sorry for her routine, she called me a few times to talk, I had studied administration so I helped in some questions I had, so we had some contact months. Since the circus being in another city, called me and invited me to dinner at his trailer, was impressively large, had everything we needed to live comfortably and otherwise had adequate space for Julia and her practice of contortion, that night before dinner, she asked me to sit on a comfortable couch and wait a few minutes, suddenly came out of his room dressed in the gold layer with performing his act, he walked toward me leisurely strides, pointed her feet, the fingers of his hands and feet were painted red, stood in front of me and dropped his cloak, that covered only the gold bikini sexy .... Bring his face close to mine, kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, this is for you, hope you like .... My heart started pounding, she suddenly bend his body back staying with his head between his legs ... looking at my face I smiled, put his hands on the floor and lifted her feet to affirm in my chest, smiled once more I wonder if I liked what I was doing, I almost speechless I said that I loved, invited me to play .... With much excitement I put my hand on her leg, slowly lower and caressed her feet, she was in the same position, advance to her waist and I realized I was totally broken, her buttocks touched his back, was fascinating, she showed me all all I could do with your body as flexible, once you finished his act in front stood up and sat with their legs fully extended on my legs, I hug and kiss, not even remember the dinner ended up doing contortion work, I helped by stretching and bending his body in an incredible way, we were fascinated me with his wonderful body and she with the help he was providing ..... was an amazing night ... more so when he invited me to his room and made love to some fascinating ways ... that we have been doing so far since we got married two months later, I took over management of the circus and Julia has continued enhance and complement your beautiful act ............